Thursday 9 February 2012

Fundraising for the Men’s’ Tour!

Just like every Rugby team, everyone wants to go and experience Rugby in its original habitat, where it originated from, and how the REAL Rugby stars play. Steetsville Secondary School have been traveling to Wales, England, and numerous of other places. Every other year a team from England (one of the places they have traveled) would come to Canada and would live with students from the Streetsville Rugby team and experience our wonderful country and the Streetsville Rugby team would do the same in England. However, this was only the boys’ team; the girls never have had enough people to go on their team to go.

Because Mississauga Blues was made in Streetsville, Mike Curran thought it would be a great idea for the Senior Men’s to go on tour to England and Wales in August 2012, the summer coming up. The past summer all of the men have be rubbing it in our faces that they are going on tour and the women aren’t. However, we are happy for them and hope they have fun, but sooner or later, the women will go, and hopefully it will be sooner than later!
The date is coming close and in order to raise some money for the occasion, the Blues team have come up with some ways to raise money, but have fun while doing it. The fist event was the Fundraising Poker Night; it was a great success, good time and a good party. Although, they didn’t raise as much money as they hoped, they raised a good amount, and any contribution is a great one. They have upcoming events, another poker night on February 21st and a Dinner Dance in early June. We hope that this will help to raise money for jerseys, and air travel.

This isn’t the first time the Blues is doing this, so they do have some experience in the field. The U18 girl’s team went to England and Wales last year in March, they had the best time of their life, and they lived with a bunch of different people while they were site seeing through all the different towns. Now we hope that the men will have as much fun as the girls did!!

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