Thursday 5 April 2012

My Team is My Family!

I have been so lucky to become such good friends with my team mates. My team is my family now and they always will be. This is my last blog for the semester and I wanted to make sure that it was the most important one of them all. I love the Mississauga Blues and everyone on the Senior Women's team.

For the past two years I have been very lucky to make such good friends. I only knew a few people when I started in the club but everyone made me feel so welcome and it just made me enjoy Rugby even more.

This past summer the Senior Women's and Senior Men’s team went out after almost every game on Saturday nights. Doing this made everyone so close; that in the end everyone knew everything about each other. After every practice and game, the Blues club would go out to the Franklin, or another club/bar and we have not only become close as a team, but as a club. I have made the most incredible friends that I know I will have for the rest of my life.

The Blues club have been there supporting one another at each game. The girls would watch the guy’s game and vice versa. We would cheer everyone on, and I know that when I hear people cheering for me it makes me feel so happy that people are enjoying watching me play.

The Senior Women's and Senior Men’s team practice every Tuesdays and Thursdays together and this has brought us really close as a club, sometimes we even practice together; making the girls that much tougher! But the best part of them all is to go out with everyone as much as we can. It’s great to have friends that enjoy and act the same way you do. It makes you want to go to practices because you know that your best friends will be there. I don’t know how many times I would die on the floor laughing, or bump in to each other while passing the ball. Those are the memories that I will have for a life time and that makes me want to play Rugby every year. I love the whole club and most of all my team. I LOVE YOU GIRLS! Even though we don’t see each other much during off season, it’s always the best time when we are together. Mississauga Blues will forever be the same with the love and spirit that everyone has for Rugby.